
Welcome to Bake Radio (bakeradio.com) and my About page where I get to tell you about me and what this site is all about.

bas bakeradioHi, I'm Bas and this is my main website where I write on the subjects that interest me most.

Of course, since I make my full-time income online as an affiliate marketer, it makes sense to include some information on what I do and how I do it.

By default, that means I work from home, preferring to stay at home rather than travel the world as a digital nomad. So I include some info on some of the aspects of working at home and what I use to help make it interesting and worthwhile.

The main intent of the site is a working at home theme where I expand on this topic in various ways from the actual physical home office space and how to make money online, to the home itself and how to make it into a great place to live and work at the same time.